Shih-Chien Yang (Ben Yang)

TEL: (C) +1 408-590-4674(US) / +886 922-113-493(TW)

Bio. I am a software and mechanical engineer with an M.E. in Mechanical and Electro-Mechanical Engineering who has used the Kinect Sensor system for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). At work experience, using many programming languages which is python、C++/C and C# to develop software and automated system on PC or embedded system which like TX2、IPC and Raspberry Pi with operation system which are Ubuntu and Windows. In project, using machine learning like tensorflow and pytorch and cameras which are RGB、TOF and stereo to detect and recognize object and develop and integrate software such as face recognition solution、Thermal monitor and health monitor etc. In data analysis, using PowerBI, Spotfire develop front-end UI for user and using python develop back-end for data processing.


Equipment Performance Engineer

ASML Taiwan Ltd.
  • Reconciled about 100 machines status and reach availability target 93% in Taiwan
  • Software module leader to help member understand SW issue
August 2023 - Present

Competency Engineer

ASML Taiwan Ltd.
  • Handled machine structure issue and co-work with Centre CE to solved issue
  • Developed tools which is data analysis to help team member to reduce manual work and focus on main job
July 2022 - August 2023

Customer Support Engineer

ASML Taiwan Ltd.
  • Helped N3 ramp up successfully
  • Maintenance machine and repaired machine when machine USD.
  • Helped to handle machine software action and knowledge transfer to team member
April 2021 - July 2022

Project Assistant

National Health Research Institutes
  • Using python Machine Learning (pytorch, tensorflow) algorithm and embedded system to develop Biomedical Engineering Product which are AI Technology for Thermal Scanning, Real-Time AI Wound recognition, Social Distancing Monitor, Health Monitor and AI Rehabilitation.
  • Guided intern through independent study on Biomedical Engineering
March 2020 - January 2021

Software Engineer

GrandTech Cloud Services
  • Developed and maintain automated billing generation and management system with C# MVC, jQuery and MSSQL
  • Developed OA system to automated form generation, and using API to connect AWS and Zendesk
September 2019 - March 2020

Algorithm Engineer

iSSA Technology Co., Ltd
  • Embedded system development in Ubuntu - TX2、IPC、Raspberry Pi
  • Developed 3D camera application SDK - Using SDK to testing our Stereo、ToF、Structure light Camera.
  • Developed 3D face recognition system - Using CNN、DNN training model and KNN classify to develop attendance system to replace traditional system.
July 2018 - September 2019

Patent Assistant

Taiwan Intellectual Property Office
  • Performed data analysis and retrieved from database to achieve quality assurance of Patent
  • Played key role in reviewing patent filing that figure out main point and technical
  • Analyzed Technical core in patent and created specialized search report output for applicant
September 2013 - September 2016


Continue Improvement

  • AVATAR (WorldWide)

    - developed report on Spotfire which reduce a lot of manual work and turn to automatic
  • Process improvement for tsmc body temp. feedback form

    - developed program reduce waiting time and human error
  • DL beam drift prevent dashboard

    - developed dashboard on Spotfire which turn USD to SD and reduce machine down time
  • OVR controller FW Upgrade for RY-95C8

    - cooperated between local and Centre resolve RY-95C8 issue which no machine down and provide Centre procedure update on the coach


Cross department
  • Monitor Inline Refill System

    - developed program monitoring machine inline refill action and request from Centre help to become company software which reduce fab team manpower and manual work time and avoid ILR module broken which make machine down


Help request
  • FabM

    - developed program to help centre team get Taiwan machine logging issue
  • KU Dashboard

    - created KU dashboard on Spotfire help Hsinchu site reduce manual work
  • Be-warned system

    - developed program preventing machine down and avoid customer product damage
  • EMGJMI data tools

    - developed program help metro team easy analysis data and troubleshooting
ASML Taiwan Ltd.


Biomedical engineering
  • AI Thermal detector

    - developed program detceting body temperature of people and prevent infect flu during COVID-19
  • AI Wound detector

    - developed program analysis wound information which easy diagnosis for doctor
  • AI Posture & Foot pressure monitor

    - developed program analysis posture & foot pressure information which easy diagnosis for doctor
  • Social Distance Monitor

    - developed program monitoring social distance of people and avoid infect flu during COVID-19
  • AI Health Monitor

    - developed program monitoring body information of people and reduce time of examine and waiting time
National Health Research Institutes


  • 3D Face Recognition

    - developed program recording attendance of empolyee which using face recognition reduce time and easy to use
iSSA Technology Co., Ltd


Tamkang University

Master of Engineering in Mechanical and Electro-Mechanical Engineer
Developed the application software with C++ to support the robot simultaneous localization, mapping and structure from motion using a RGB-D sensor. The program use OpenCV to capture Images, Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) to build map, and Extended Kalman filter (EKF) to proceed Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). Final, using a cloud computing implemented by File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server and Matlab calibrated sensor and built 3D map.

GPA: 3.777

September 2011 - July 2013


Programming Languages & Tools
  • Automated Systems & Tools Development
  • Testing & Debugging
  • Data Analysis
  • Web front-end & back-end


Apart from being a code developer, In outdoor, I enjoy most of my time being hand out with my friend, which are playing basketball, biking , hiking, Singing, Eating and etc.

When forced indoors, I follow a number of anime, drama and movies, also play computer game, and I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technology advancements in the code development world.

Awards & Certifications

  • World Wide BEST CI Awards at ASML
  • Taiwan BEST A3 Awards at ASML
  • Taiwan BEST CI Awards at ASML
  • 17th Taiwan Innoaward : AI Thermal Detector (Patent Nr. : NHR-P0001-TWN)
  • Mircosoft Office Specialist
  • Techficiency Quotient Certification for Office Word
  • Techficiency Quotient Certification for Office PowerPoint